
News articles and posts about astronomy and astronomy education

Saturday, January 28, 2006


Chapter 1: A chill at the Cape - Space History -

Chapter 1: A chill at the Cape - Space History -


New Scientist SPACE - Breaking News - Milky Way brims with singleton stars

New Scientist SPACE - Breaking News - Milky Way brims with singleton stars


Climate Expert Says NASA Tried to Silence Him - New York Times

Climate Expert Says NASA Tried to Silence Him - New York Times

Friday, January 27, 2006 -- Capsules From the Cosmos: Stardust Success Could Signal More Sample Missions -- Capsules From the Cosmos: Stardust Success Could Signal More Sample Missions

Thursday, January 26, 2006


7 myths about the Challenger shuttle disaster - Space News -

7 myths about the Challenger shuttle disaster - Space News -

Sunday, January 22, 2006


Stardust@Home - scientific motivation

Stardust@Home - scientific motivation


Stardust@Home - background

Here's a chance to participate in the ongoing analysis of data from a space probe!

Stardust@Home - background

Saturday, January 21, 2006


Science News Article |

Science News Article |

Friday, January 20, 2006


Public lecture by discoverer of 10th planet

Got this from a listserv I subscribe to from Foothill College.

Event Announcement

Wednesday, January 25th, 2006, 7 pm:

The Silicon Valley Astronomy Lecture Series
a Second Century Lecture
co-sponsored by the American Astronomical

Astronomer Michael Brown of Caltech
will give a non-technical, illustrated talk on:

Beyond Pluto:
The Discovery of the "10th Planet"

in the Smithwick Theater,
Foothill College,
El Monte Road and Freeway 280,
in Los Altos Hills, California.

Free and open to the public.
Parking on campus costs $2.

Call the series hot-line at 650-949-7888 for
more information and driving directions.

In this rare Northern California appearance, Dr. Brown
will discuss how he and his coworkers recently
found an object larger than the planet Pluto and
with an orbit at least twice as large. He will fill us in on the
latest thoughts about whether this new object
(and Pluto) are planets or not. And he will explain
how astronomers are continuing to find larger
(and smaller) bodies in the outskirts of our solar

No background in science will be required for
this talk.

Dr. Brown, Professor of Planetary Astronomy at
the California Institute of Technology, is
co-discoverer of what some people are calling
the "tenth planet" and also of the intriguing objects
Quaoar, Orcus, and Sedna. He received his PhD
from the University of California, at Berkeley in 1994.
He specializes in the discovery and analysis of the
faintest and most distant parts of our solar system and
says he spends most of his time "wondering where
even bigger planets are hiding."

Co-sponsored by:
* NASA Ames Research Center
* The Foothill College Astronomy Program
* The SETI Institute
* The Astronomical Society of the Pacific

The Second Century Lectures celebrate the centennial
of the American Astronomical Society, the main body
of professional astronomers in the U.S. They feature
talks by noted astronomers covering the most
exciting new research about the universe.

Andrew Fraknoi, Chair, Astronomy Program
Foothill College

Thursday, January 19, 2006


Helping the search for aliens

Helping the search for aliens


Helping the search for aliens

Helping the search for aliens


Treading the light fantastic: Einstein challenged - Science - Specials

Treading the light fantastic: Einstein challenged - Science - Specials


Cometary particles thrill scientists

Cometary particles thrill scientists

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Contra Costa Science & Engineering Fair

Contra Costa Science & To Contra Costa County Science and Engineering Fair Participants:

You are getting this e-mail because you either participated in Science Fair 101 at Concord High School in December or have signed-up online at our webpage indicating interest in the Contra Costa Science and Engineering Fair. The attached flyer is being snail-mailed out to teachers so you may get this before the mail reaches you.

We are very excited about the response we have received in our first year. If everyone who has indicated interest actually submits a project, we will have a great turn-out. We do not anticipate that we will have more than we can accomodate, so it is not likely that we will need quotas. We plan to expand our venue to meet your needs as best we can.

Students, if you haven't done so yet, please indicate your intention to submit a project on the student link of our webpage Entry forms can easily be downloaded instead of requesting them to be mailed.

Six required for all projects:
Cover Sheet
Abstract (due March 23)
Student Permission and Hold Harmless Agreement
Form 1 - Checklist
Form 1A - Research Plan
Form 1B- Approval Form
Note that the SF101 workshop only distributed 4 of the six forms. All applications need to be complete when submitted. Teachers, please check your students paperwork so that their applications aren't delayed.

Please check to see if others are also required for your special area. All forms need to be submitted by February 1st. Some students may need to wait for SRC approval if they are dealing with anything possibly hazardous. Each applicant whether they need SRC approval or not, will receive a verification that their project is approved or a request for more information.

Good luck and I'm really looking forward to see all your projects!


Karen Kelly
CCCSEF Steering Committee
JGI Education Outreach
Clayton Valley High School teacher

Yahoo! Photos
Ring in the New Year with Photo Calendars . Add photos, events, holidays, whatever.

Engineering Fair

Tuesday, January 17, 2006 - Astronaut questions shuttle safety in book - Jan 17, 2006 - Astronaut questions shuttle safety in book - Jan 17, 2006 - NASA scrubs Pluto launch - Jan 17, 2006 - NASA scrubs Pluto launch - Jan 17, 2006

Sunday, January 15, 2006


HubbleSite - Hubble's Sharpest View of the Orion Nebula - Image - 1/11/2006

HubbleSite - Hubble's Sharpest View of the Orion Nebula - Image - 1/11/2006

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Stardust@Home - participation

Stardust@Home - participation


01.10.2006 - Public to look for dust grains in Stardust detectors

01.10.2006 - Public to look for dust grains in Stardust detectors

Wednesday, January 04, 2006 - Astronomers: Pluto colder than expected - Jan 3, 2006 - Astronomers: Pluto colder than expected - Jan 3, 2006



Interesting reading. stimulating ideas, and if you want some of your beliefs challenged, a must-read.


Monday, January 02, 2006


Rocky Mountain News: Local

Rocky Mountain News: Local: "The launch is currently set for 11:24 a.m. MST on Jan. 17. The compact, 1,054-pound spacecraft will ride atop NASA's most powerful launch vehicle, the Atlas V-551, built in Jefferson County by Lockheed Martin Space Systems."


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