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Tuesday, March 15, 2005


Planet Test Review Guide

Here is a list of topics which will be on your Planet test on Thursday:

Observing the Planets
Elongation, Conjunction, and Opposition
Retrograde loops
Apparent speeds
Apparent brightnesses
Phases of Venus

Models of the Solar System

Characteristics of Planets
Record breakers (largest, hottest, etc.)
Unique characteristics
Important Space Probes
Interpreting numbers (mass, density, eccentricity etc. )
General characteristics of giants vs. terrestrial planets
Interpreting surface features (specifically the number of craters)

Kepler's Laws
Designing space probe missions from one planet to another

Newton's law of gravity
Surface gravity of planets
Centripetal force
Newton's Form of Kepler's Third law
How we get the mass of planets (such as Saturn)

Expect one question about each topic in multiple choice, plus an open response questions about 1) computing orbital elements such as eccentricity from a picture 2) interpreting numbers about a planet and 3) explaining the significance of one of the models of the solar system (for example, why Kepler's work was so important).

The test is partially open notes: you can use one page, double-sided. Shrinking and xeroxing is allowed. Tuesday after school I will be available for a tutoring session. There is observing Tuesday night after the planetarium show.

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