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Monday, May 30, 2005


Final exam study guide: topics

The final exam will be multiple-choice only, and will cover the following topics:

Names of easily visible stars and constellations
significance of the zodiac constellations
Asterisms such as the Big Dipper or the Summer Triangle
"star hopping" such as "arc to Arcturus"

Celestial coordinates
altitude and azimuth
right ascension and declination

Brightness and Distance
Magnitudes - definition
Converting brightness counts to magnitudes
Comparing brightnesses of different magnitudes
absolute and apparent magnitudes

emission, absorption, and continuous spectra
spectra of the elements
the electromagnetic spectrum
spectral classes of stars (equivalent to color and temperature)
Plotting HR diagrams
estimating the ages of clusters from HR diagrams

Stellar Evolution
Star birth
dark nebulas, emission nebulas, open clusters, globular clusters, novas, supernovas, white dwarfs, red dwarfs, black dwarfs, brown dwarfs, black holes, neutron stars, pulsars

Active Galaxies
Unified model of active galactic nuclei
hubble classification
expansion of the universe

The Big Bang - evidence and significance
Dark energy
Dark Matter

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