
News articles and posts about astronomy and astronomy education

Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Earth Science Education conference

Coalition for Earth Science Education 2005 Meeting, September 23 and 24
Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland

The 2005 Coalition for Earth Science Education (CESE) meeting will focus on
increasing and improving implementation of the Earth System Science (ESS) in
K-12 schools by creating a large-scale effort and unified voice to bring
about greater and more widespread teaching of ESS. The goal of the meeting
will be (1), to establish action items to work toward overcoming barriers to
implementation of ESS and (2), to facilitate development of partnerships to
work on selected action items. Attendees will collaboratively determine
which barriers are most significant, then participants will select breakout
groups, and work together to create partnerships for addressing action
items. Attendees invited to present their own work in an interactive poster
session. Presentations from invited speakers will highlight related
initiatives, including status of the Revolution in K-12 Earth and Space
Science Education and efforts in Texas and California to keep Earth science
in state curricula. A special session will feature information on federal
education initiatives-NSF, NASA, NOAA, and USGS.

The meeting will be held Friday, September 23rd and Saturday, September 24th
at Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, MD. Please go to too find out how to register for the meeting, lodging
information, and to learn more about CESE. Early registration is important
due to security restrictions at GSFC.

M. Frank Ireton, Meeting Chair,
John Carpenter, Program Chair.

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