
News articles and posts about astronomy and astronomy education

Thursday, June 16, 2005


Job Opportunity: Astronomical Society of the Pacific

I got this through a listserv and it did not include a deadline or expiration date. If you are reading this more than a month or two after the posting date, the position will probably have been filled...

Position Announcement

The Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP) in San Francisco, California
is hiring a full-time Astronomy Educator to work on a new National-Science-
Foundation funded project to help educators at small science museums
and nature centers learn and do more hands-on astronomy.

Responsibilities include:

* Taking the lead on a team of astronomers and educators developing
and producing a suite of hands-on astronomy activities and "toolkits"
tailored to the needs of museum and nature center educators
* Conducting formative testing sessions on these activities in local museums
and nature centers before they are distributed nationally
* Assisting with the development of training protocols and agendas for the
project workshops
* Helping to train participants at on-site workshops nationally (some
travel required).
* Assisting with the adaptation of activities for "distance learning" and with
the development of on-line training protocols.
* Moderating distance learning and on-line workshop sessions and discussions.
* Assisting project evaluators with formative and summative data collection as
* Helping with the recruitment of workshop participants.

Candidates are expected to have at least: a BachelorĀ¹s degree in the sciences
(astronomy preferred), three years of experience working in informal education
and outreach, and strong content knowledge in astronomy. They should also
have experience developing and/or adapting hands-on astronomy activities.
Some experience with distance/on-line learning is highly desired.

For more detailed information on qualifications and the application procedure,
see the third announcement on the web page:

The Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP) is the oldest and
largest general astronomy organization in the U.S., with members in all 50
states and in more than 70 other nations. Founded in 1889, the ASP is now a
nationwide leader in the field of astronomy education, with programs and
materials for students and educators, as well as for the public at large.
For more information about the ASP and its current projects, visit and click on education.

The ASP is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

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